How to make an outfit post / the biggest issue of bloggers ...

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                                                                                         set was made on Polyvore by me
1. If you wanna become a fashion blogger and start showing your own style ( create outfit post) , you gotta have Camera. The most wanted for bloggers are SLR cameras, with many functions and options. And the most important thing is that, they can make blurry background in photos, which are the biggest obsession for them (us). Better camera, automatically means better quality of photos, and it can affects on your blog popularity.
Many of you asked me for mine , i'm using Canon G12, and those cameras from G series are declared as one of the best for amateurs. It's small enough to fit in most of my bags, even clutches, but it's also "big" enough to provide me a good photos. With vary-angle lcd monitor that helps me a lot in many situations. But, don't forget this, the best camera is the one that fits your budget! You can try to save up some money, be patient, wait couple months and then buy, you will be really satisfied after that purchase, and not regret at all cause you missed some blazer,boots, etc ....  that season.
2. We solved this problem, now you have your camera, and wanna make outfit post for your fashion blog. The second important thing are people behind camera!For the most of the bloggers, especially famous one, that job is reserved for their boyfriends. And i can't help you if you don't have them, cause my "match maker skills "  from high school are a little bit rusty! ;) He has to be stylish as you, so you can snap a photo of him from time to time ( cause girls love to see them on your blog). ;) They learned every fashion word, every type of accessories, they know the differences between blue and electric blue, they know how to capture your details, to tell you what to do with your hair , etc ... Are you sure that they are men? ;) Ok, i don't wanna dig into those details, cause my opinion is a little bit different. Boyfriends are probably the best solution, you can see them everyday, they understand your needs, your wishes, they know you the best, but give them some break occasionally, they just wanna enjoy in some time with you ....
Besides them, you can ask some friend, sister, cousin to do that. But after couple shoots, they will realize how hard is, and probably they want answer when you call them anymore!;)
The third solution is to have tripod, take them every time with you, when you wanna make outfit post, or find some wall in front of your house/apartment, and start practicing. With this, you are risking to be called lunatic, crazy  or something similar, but common, you never seen a girl with tripod and camera in downtown, while she was making photos for her blog? ;)
3. Ok., you have your camera, your man or tripod, the next important thing that you need  is The Spot! Try to find some peaceful place, so you can relax, and start posing. Park in your neighborhood, great terrace, white wall, small empty street, place with tree alley perhaps, good wall or gate, sidewalk ... or some interesting place in your town. If you choose downtown, you are risking again, people will probably stare, make some comments, and soon you will get your audience even if you aren't famous. People are curious, so be prepared! Strike a pose! Left, right, up and down, sit, stay, hands and shoes, smile ... and you're done!
4. Camera, man or tripod, the spot, what's next? You should have something to wear! ;) Some people think that you are dressing like that because of your blog, and how blog made you/your style! Hellooou!?? We weren't naked before, we also used clothes, get dressed and were creative. So we made our blogs to show our style and creativity. Be yourself, pay attention to details, play with your clothes, enjoy, it should be fun! You don't need to have luxurious brands in your wardrobe ( yes, somehow, that's the most interesting thing for others to see) , it's important to have style, to know how to mix and match, to use one piece in different ways and show that to others, trying to become their inspiration.
5. Clean hair, nourished skin, neat finger and toenails, with or without nail polish, at least some basic make up, cause camera capture everything.
6. After you take a bath, get your hair, nails and make up done, get dressed, found the spot, perfect pose, used your boyfriend's skills, or tripod, made a bunch of photos with your camera, you gotta have a computer/laptop and good internet connection, when you come back at home! ;) You will transfer your photos to computer , choose the best ones,  edit and resize, and then upload to your blog! Labeled your clothes, write some short text, post it and share. Answer to all questions that you got through emails, comments, pages or twitter profiles and that's it!

You are probably asking why i wrote this ... I wanted to tell you how the whole process looks like, in reality but also in one funny way, for everyone who are thinking to start with blogging, or for those who are thinking that this is super easy, and disparage bloggers at all, making some inappropriate comments...
You said it's easy, piece of cake? Let us see you then! Most of the girls who are doing this doesn't get paid, don't have sponsors, free clothes etc ... But they are doing it from their heart, cause they love fashion and wanna share it with others.... And probably one of the most important things are, almost every girl that i met through my blog is well educated, studying on good Universities or they already graduated. Doing some jobs, having normal lives, and their blogs are place where they can relax, write about something they love, what they found, sharing some great information ... I found about so many interesting things, peoples, beautiful places, new technology, be inspired so many times and all of this, thanks to reading my favorite blogs! Probably, i will do it for a long, long time, make some better changes, new columns, every time when i get into another phase in my life, as im getting older.
Thanks to you, my lovely readers, this place wouldn't be complete, and i can't thank you enough for every  positive and constructive comment or suggestion that you left here .... Once again thank you for following me, and reading this huge text! Much love! 

A danas, nešto sasvim drugačije! :)
Imala sam želju da sa vama podelim nekoliko stvari, na jedan šaljiv način,  kako napraviti outfit post, šta je sve potrebno, i koji su najveći problemi koji se javljaju prlikom njegovog nastajanja.
Nemojte mi zameriti što neću prevesti ceo tekst sa engleskog jer bi onda ovaj post bio predugačak, ali se iskreno nadam da ćete ga pročitati , i da ćete mnoge stvari bolje razumeti, a možda se i nasmejati prilikom nekih zapažanja! :) Hvala vam što pratite, izdvajate vaše vreme, ostavljate divne komentare i sugestije jer bez interakcije sve ovo ne bi imalo smisla ... Hvala još jednom! :*

How to make an outfit post / the biggest issue of bloggers ... Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: jembe